Wednesday, July 4, 2012

23rd Letter from Varese

Dear Loved Ones,
  President has reviewed that we are to send emails only to immediate family members so sadly I will not be emailing Grandparents Garner and Oakes anymore...but if you could forward them my emails they can read them. Mom also posts things on my blog and they can look there. I will be better at sending letters to Grandparents. But know that I love you soo very much, I just need to be obedient to the white hand book.

 We have two fans in our apartment. I have heard that here in Varese it will start to be cooling down around August. I have been sleeping much better at night. Thank you for everyone's concern!

 As far as the work goes, we have a couple of wonderful progressing investigators. Luca (Gabriele's friend) is so so close to receiving an answer to his prayers concerning the validity of the Book of Mormon. He had a baptismal date for a few weeks ago, but he did not feel completely ready. He has a deeper knowledge of the doctrine of the gospel and organization of the church than anyone I have ever taught. He is very rational and thorough, but also spiritually even though he is taking a little longer to be baptized, when he makes that step he will be solid. He is going to be a stake president someday or something. He is a pleasure to teach. He respects us and takes our lessons seriously. He studies the Book of Mormon as if he were going to take an exam on it. Sometimes he will call us to say that he has already arranged an appointment with another member, and he will text us our train times. Wow, we are so spoiled to teach him! I will probably get transferred within a few weeks, and I won't be there for his baptism, but I am filled with joy for him and his future.

 I have got to tell you about our new investigator Wilfredo! Sorella McNamara and I were talking to people at the Comune gardens last Saturday evening. There was this teenage boy sitting alone on a bench, "too cool for school". Spiked hair, big sunglasses, big headphones in. I felt the prompting to talk to him, but it seemed like it would be a struggle to get his attention. As we walked towards him he gave us a big smile, pulled off his shades and headphones and motioned for us to sit down next to him! He turned out to be a completely different person than I had expected. He was very respectful and sweet, humble and open. The gift of tongues helped us to understand his spanish, haha. We immediately began talking about restored truths of the gospel, and he bore testimony of how God has assisted him in his life. He talked about his experience preaching the word of Christ in the hospital in El Salvador with others from his church. As he spoke, his face shone with the light of Christ. From those first moments that we talked, there was no doubt that he is elect.

  Some of his "friends," rather, acquaintances, walked by us. One of the two young boys laughed and spoke to Wilfredo in slang Spanish. Even though we did not understand every thing he said, it was apparent he was saying some vulgar things about us. Wilfredo boldly said to them, "Go away. We are talking about the word of God." The boy was taken aback and became silent. He tried to keep his cool and laugh at Wilfredo but he seemed very embarrassed. They walked away and Wilfredo turned to us and apologized. "I know it is weird, but I like being alone. I do not like hanging out with other people like them too much. I am sorry for how they behaved."  Sorella McNamara and I were impressed by his maturity and respect for us and for God.

  Through going with him to church and teaching him a lesson, we have continued to realize how pure and faithful he is. Despite being surrounded by family and friends who are involved in the sins of the world, he has received revelation and comfort from reading the bible and attending church. He is disgusted by drugs, tobacco and other addictive substances.

 I know that the Lord guided us to find each other. Wilfredo has kept himself unspotted from the world, and the Lord has prepared him to receive the restored gospel. He will be getting baptized. I already love him like a brother. I am so grateful the Lord has allowed me to serve a mission and to know people like this. I cannot even describe how blessed I feel. Heavenly Father loves each and every one of His children so much. I know that our message changes our lives. It brings lasting happiness and peace in this life.

All my affetto,
Sorella Oakes

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