Wednesday, March 28, 2012

9th Letter from Varese

Dear Loved Ones,

Just to let you know, from now on I will be printing off your weekly
emails to read later, and the next week I will respond a bit to the
messages...if that makes sense.

This has been a great week! I'll just share a few things with ya'll.

1. Our current investigators- We are teaching an inactive woman from
the Domincan Republic named Dominga. She wants to come back to church,
and now we are teaching her 11 year old son, Sander Gabriele, and her
mom. They're awesome! We have faith that we'll set a baptismal date
with them both tonight.

2. Miracle with a member.--we have been working a lot with a member
named Gabriele.  After many ups and downs, he's found a lot of strength from the
missionaries who have served in Varese. We have brought him to several
lessons with us it's been amazing to see how he has changed.  To paraphrase a
quote from Elder Packer, studying the principles of the gospel will change behavior
much more than the study of behavior itself.

I know this is a true principle. When we read the Book of Mormon and
seek to serve others and our Savior, we are happier. We become better
people naturally, and more capable of succeeding in whatever we
pursue. I have seen this in myself and I have seen it in Gabriele.

Gabriele thanked us the other day for letting him work with us. He
said, "You know, it's really nice to be needed... I've been so happy as I read the
Book of Mormon and serve your investigators.

3. Something I'm super excited about- an awesome ward mission plan
that Sorella Walton and I are creating. We have really prayed and
received inspiration concerning a doable, effective plan to work with
the members and to make this branch into a ward! I cannot stop
thinking about it. I can't wait to start putting our plan into

4. Something about I want you to know about Sorella Walton. I haven't told you very much about her and that's a shame. She is an amazing companion. She is really
easy to live and work with. She is patient, flexible, loving,
organized and focused on her calling. She writes me sweet love notes
and hides them in my scriptures. We are speaking only Italian, both at home and
when we're out, and our language skills are skyrocketing. I am so
grateful that she wants to push herself to be the best missionary she
can be.

Sorella Walton is from Idaho, has two brothers and three sisters.
She likes exercising, camping, high heels and collecting warm and
fuzzy quotes.

Well, I cannot think of too many interesting things that you would
like to hear. All is well! We do not have any progressing
investigators right now, so we are doing a lot of finding work. But I
am confident that as we continue to improve and give that last 10% of
the effort, the miracles and blessings will come.

5. Question, scripture and invite: How can members find someone who
the missionaries can teach? Alma 6:6 talks a bit about a response. I
know that as we pray sincerely and with real intent to our Heavenly
Father, He will bless us with an opportunity to find someone whom the
missionaries can teach, whether it be an acquaintance, friend or
family member.
I want to invite you to pray for such an opportunity, and to simply
ask that person if the missionaries can pass by their house and give
them a Book of Mormon. It seems as if many members feel they need to
have a gospel discussion, or invite their friend to read the Book of
Mormon before meeting missionaries. But in actuality, members do not
have time to do this. It is best if the missionaries take care of that
because we have been trained how to teach simply, and that's our

I know that after you do this, the Lord will strengthen your
personal testimony of the importance of the restored gospel, and your
desire to share the gospel will increase. The Spirit will help you to
say just what your friend needs to hear.

Sending my amore from Italia!
Sorella Oakes

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