Wednesday, January 4, 2012

15th Letter from Cuneo

Dear Family,
Osagie's baptism was absolutely peaceful, smooth, simple, and wonderful. So many were busy around the holidays that we prepared a simple quick service. When Osagie came out of the water, he took in a deep breath, wiped off his wet face and just beamed. He later told us that "I got another testimony." The best part of that night was when he bore his testimony. He walked up to the little pulpit, reached in his jacket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He unfolded it and read his prepared testimony, and Sorella Willey translated in Italian. I had no idea how much he has been converted. His testimony was so powerful and sincere and no one in the room could doubt it. He said, "I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet because when I read about his history or his words, I just know. Every time I read the Book of Mormon I feel as if I was there, and I was living the stories. I know that it is the word of God. I know this is the true church of Christ on the Earth." Wow. I am so happy that he is immersing himself in the Book of Mormon. I am glad that he was not baptized sooner. He could have been, but it was just beautiful.

The next day one of our ward members, Carlos Ciccio, gave him the gift of the Holy Ghost and I am sure that the Spirit helped him to say everything in English. Osagie has experienced a change of heart and is so pleased. You could describe his countenance as "content." Haha, during our last lesson with him he told us, "I think that I am going to be an apostle someday." And yes, he is serious. Who knows, that would be really neat! Only Heavenly Father knows.

(Sorry, cut and pasted again from the letter to my Mission Pres.)
My companion has the faith of a giant. Despite any obstacle that we face, she has confidence that the Lord will grant anything she prays and works for. She always focuses on the positive side of the situation and does not let herself get discouraged. My faith has grown so so much by being with her. There was one experience this week that had a great impact on me. One night I had a terrible nightmare and awoke crying. She turned on the light, invited me over to her bed and held me. She suggested we read from the scriptures for a little bit, and then we said a prayer. The next morning in personal study she found a chapter in the scriptures and shared it with me. She said, "This chapter was written just for you Sorella Oakes". We read it together and I cried, but this time, my heart was full of love and gratitude for my companion and for the Lord.
2. MIRACLE: Describe one miracle that occurred this past week; something that increased your awareness that God is directing your work:
Last week, during nightly programming, both Sorella Willey and I felt inspired to do some finding work in Piazza Europa the next morning. Upon arriving, I saw this man sitting on a bench and felt the urge to talk to him. His back was turned to us but as we sat down next to him he seemed familiar. It was Omar! A contact we had made a few weeks earlier, but who would not respond to our phone calls. As we listened to him, he began to pour out his soul to us. He expressed strong desire to make some kind of a "spiritual step" in his life to come closer to Christ, but he did not know how to get there. He told us that despite all of his prayers and studies in the Bible, he felt like something was missing in his life. The Spirit helped us to teach a powerful first lesson, we invited him to baptized on the 28th of January and he accepted. We walked to the church, and as he walked inside he said, "I felt something really special here." We knelt and said a prayer and invited him to join us at Osagie's baptism.
From then on, everything has run as smoothly as molasses. Omar is one of those golden souls whom every missionary would dream to teach. He has been prepared by the Lord to receive our message, keeps his commitments and is preparing for his baptism. Each time that we meet him he seems to have changed even more. His face is softer, you can see the gratitude in his eyes and his deep testimony. I know that Omar is a tender mercy that the Lord has sent us because of all the times that we struggle and continue on in the work, even if it is hard.

In spite of all of the obstacles that we have experienced in the past week, I am grateful for the conversion that I am experiencing with my companion, and for the beautiful people that the Lord places in our lives. These moments are even more sweet and beautiful because they are in the midst of the struggles.
Sorella Oakes

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