Wednesday, December 7, 2011

11th Letter from Cuneo

Diletta Famiglia,
MY GOODNESS!!!! There are soo many exciting things ahead of us! WEYLIN GOT HIS VISA AND FLIES OUT NEXT WEEK!!!!!! David AND Osagie are getting baptized this Saturday!!!! It will be a beautiful end to the transfer, and the end of Sorella Ryan's mission. I am sad that we won't be companions anymore...but such is life.
I am grateful that the Lord is over all and He has His own timing. For the past few weeks we have been trying to encourage ward members to fellowship Osagie. After talking about his situation in ward council more thoroughly, there have been three families who have invited him over for meals, and one of our members searched all Sunday night to find a shelter for him to sleep. To a certain extent, all of us know that Osagie needs to work hard for himself, but then again, it is really difficult for Africans to be accepted at certain shelters here in Italy and to find any sort of a permanent job. He tries his hardest, never complains or asks for help and searches all day everyday for work. What can he do? I am soo thankful for our ward members who are true christians, and are empathetic toward him. They are very different from other people you meet on the street, in general.
Their love and kindness toward him has made all the difference. Now that he has a place to sleep at night, he is less stressed and it has been easier for him to concentrate and feel the spirit during our lessons. A few days ago, we invited him to David's baptism. He became very interested and said, "When? Where?" We told him that he could also be baptized that night if he felt ready. He had his intervew last week and he is worthy in every way.
He smiled contentedly and said, "Yes, that would be nice." We felt joy and peace, and we know that now he is emotionally ready, his baptism will be a special experience for him.
To answer a few questions...sorry, I do not answer all of them...Christmas traditions in Italy? It is very similar to America, with presents and Santa Claus (Babbo Natale). They also have a witch named La Befana who flies on a broomstick January 6th and give stockings to everyone. They generally stay up all night Christmas eve, eat a lot of fish. Merry Christmas= Buona natale! Happy New Year= Auguri ! For Christmas day we get to sleep in as much as we want, talk to our families, eat or celebrate at someone's house, and attend midnight Mass. The day before and after are normal working days.
Sorella Ryan and I sang a few weeks ago at a multi-zone conference. We sang My Sheperd Will Supply my need. It was gorgeous!!! We sing a lot. Last night we knocked doors and no one wanted to talk to us, so we decided to try singing Christmas songs. It gave us a few openings and we were able to teach a small lesson. At the very least some people were able to feel peace and taste the Spirit. I do not know what I would do if we did not sing, it sustains us when the obstacles come.
Each morning Sorella Ryan runs to the "edge of the wedge." Cuneo translates to wedge because on the map, it looks like a slice of cheese. Even if we are tired, we keep running until we reach the edge, which overlooks a neighboring city. This has become our battle cry. We "yell", " to the edge of the wedge" which means endure to the end. We want to give it our all, and push the miracle fence a little farther.
I love you all very much, and I am so proud of each one of you. Keep working hard! Go to the edge of the wedge!

Sorella Oakes

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